
List of all attributes


🧑‍💻 Required Setup

1. Insert scripts

Copy the HubSpot <script> and paste into the before </body> of your site code:

<!-- HubSpot Form Embed Script -->
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//js-**eu1**.hsforms.net/forms/embed/v2.js" async defer></script>

Copy the Hubform <script> and paste into the before </body> of your site code:

<!-- Hubform -->
<script src="<https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/oimachistudio/hubform@latest/hubform.js?hubspot_region=**eu1**&hubspot_portalId=1**44738725**>"></script>


The script above only works for Webflow domains. To use on a custom domain, use a licensed version of the script or purchase it here.


2. Add your portal id and region

In your Hubform script, change the hubspot_region and hubspot_portalId to match your Hubspot account.


🔘 Form modal

1. Insert modal component

Copy and paste the Hubform Modal into your Webflow project and define it as a Webflow component. This component must be on all pages you want to show the modal on.





2. Apply attribute to button

Apply hf-form-id attribute to any element. The id determines which HubSpot form will be triggered on click.

name hf-form-id
value go-to-hubspot-to-find-your-form-id


(Optional) Change modal open/close animation

(Optional) Link directly to a form modal

🔓 Gated content

1. Insert Cookie.js script

Copy the <script> and paste into the before </body> of your site code:

<!-- Cookie.js -->
<script src="<https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/js.cookie.min.js>"></script>

We use this script to store a cookie when a user is granted access. Without this, the user would need to unlock the gated content every time they refresh the page.

2. Limit the content that is visible

2.1 Add the class hf-gated on the <div> that wraps the content you want to gate.

2.2 On the same element, add the following attribute:

name hf-gated
value wrapper

In this example we set a fixed height of 30 rem and overflow none to cut off the blog post.

In this example we set a fixed height of 30 rem and overflow none to cut off the blog post.

3. Create call-to-action to unlock content

Add the following attribute to the <div> that wraps your call-to-action box:

name hf-gated
value hide

<aside> 💁‍♂️

Tip: You can use this attribute for any element you want to hide after the gated content is unlocked.



<aside> 💁‍♂️

Tip: As default, elements with hf-gated set to hide will be displayed using display: block before access is granted. If you want to use a different display setting, you can use the following attribute:


name hf-gated-display
value flex grid ...

4. Add form modal button

Inside your call-to-action <div>, add a button to open a Hubform form modal (see Form Modal guide on how to set this up).


<aside> ⚠️

Important: The hf-form-id you add to this button, will be used in next step to determine what HubSpot form unlocks the gated content.


5. Define which form unlocks the content

Add the following code into the before </body> of your site code and set the gatedId to match your call-to-action button’s hf-form-id :

    gatedId: '**98c54d19-2cf1-412e-920e-5d8796b43ac2**'

That’s it! Once a form with the specified hf-form-id is submitted, the gated content is unlocked, and the "gatedUnlocked" cookie is set, allowing the user to access the content continuously. If you do not specify a gatedId then any form submission will unlock the gated content.

(Optional) Change cookie expiration time

(Optional) Add CMS switch to toggle gated content

(Optional) Use inline embed instead of modal